Everything You Need to Know about Wood Engraving

Let’s complete a little experiment: look around your home at the wooden objects you own. You might see a dining table, picture frames, doors, kitchen or bathroom cabinetry, a wooden welcome sign in the foyer, or that coaster set from Uncle Bob with your last name in them. You probably won’t be surprised to hear… Continue reading Everything You Need to Know about Wood Engraving

The Best Wood Burning Tool to Have in Your Workshop

Wood burning is a beautiful skill that melds woodworking and drawing, allowing you to take your woodworking skills or artwork to the next level. If you’re looking to get involved with wood burning, you need the best wood burning tool. Product FAQ 1. What Is a Wood Burning Tool? The tool used for wood burning… Continue reading The Best Wood Burning Tool to Have in Your Workshop

Dewalt DCD777C2 Review: Everything You Need to Know

Power tools are essential for professional carpenters and construction workers. Do-it-yourselfers like to take on some professional challenges or at least feel close to being professional by having the right equipment. Sometimes the professional-level power tools are priced out of a reasonable range for occasional use by a homeowner or hobbyist. The battery-operated cordless drills… Continue reading Dewalt DCD777C2 Review: Everything You Need to Know

When to DIY and When Not to DIY

Hiring a professional such as a carpenter or a builder to produce work can be an expensive exercise. That has forced many people to seek alternatives. The internet is filled with informative articles and videos on how to do things yourself. The free tuition combined with the high costs of hiring contractors has prompted numerous… Continue reading When to DIY and When Not to DIY